Lee asked: "Now, however, I read that there are other species from tropical and subtropical areas. (L. nobilissimum & L. alexandrae & L. wallichianum var. neilgherrense) ...So the question arises yet again: Whence are they available? Mail order nurseries, seed suppliers, plant organization seed exchanges, etc.?" Lilium alexandrae appeared on the Seed Exchange list of the North American Lily Society this year; the seed had been donated by Ed McRae. These probably went quickly - I didn't get any! Nor is L. nobilissimum offered often - offhand I don't remember seeing it offered at all recently, although I have not gone back through old seed lists to check. I've never seen Lilium wallichianum neilgherrense offered in any form (i.e. bulbs or seed) - and as John Grimshaw suggested in an earlier posting of this thread, it may not be in cultivation. Lilium w. wallichianum is available, but this is a species from far northern India, not a tropical form. I've tried it twice, and failed both times. That may have been partly because of the dubious quality of commercial stock available to me: the bulbs arrived badly dried. Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where the Nilgiri lily is right at the top of my lily "want list".