SIGNA Iris Species Database website

Dennis Kramb
Thu, 26 May 2005 20:42:58 PDT
At 08:13 PM 5/26/2005, you wrote:
>While looking up information on the Gilboa Iris (Iris haynei), Google gave 
>me the Signa Iris Species Database website 
><>. However, maybe it 
>should be called the Irid Database website because it coves more than just 
>Iris species. Maybe it should be added as another resource at the bottom 
>of the PBS wiki Genus Index page since it gives a fair number of good 
>photos as well as plant information on a lot of non-Iris Irid species such 
>as Alophia, Anomatheca, and a few Babiana, Calydorea, Moraea, Rigidella, 
>etc., and of course lots of Iris species.
>Check it out.
>--Lee Poulsen
>Pasadena area, California, USDA Zone 9-10

Thanks for the plug!  And that's a good point about it being an Irid 
Database... I never thunk of it that way, really.  I guess I'm thinking 
"Iris" as in the Family rather than the Genus.

Dennis (the original badbear, LOL)

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