Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net wrote: >ANSWER: Mark, either I or you mixed up the bulbs and >labels. Your photos are not of F. biflora or indeed of any >California fritillaria at all, but appear to be something in >the Fritillaria thessala line. Sorry, if it was my mistake! Hi Jane et al, In the past 5-6 years, I've used extra measures to label plants. All plants, particularly bulbs, get labelled with the original label + 2 of my own labels both in front of and in back of the bulb grouping. Bulbs from you were planted out in a new "tree ring", a 5' circle around a tree, where I underplant with choice bulbs. The only Frits in this area, I grow from your material.... both labels indicate Fritillaria biflora "grayana" 10 bulbs, 2002 (indeed there are 10 plants growing); growing next to it are Frit. crassifolia kurdica (also 10 bulbs) which flowers beautifully and is pictured on my web pages, and F. bythinica (3 bulbs, planted 2003), and a number of Crocus species. Long and short of it, in this case, I don't think I mixed up anything... the bulbs are planted and labelled as they came in the shipment. So, if these are a F. thessala form, they are nice and I'm happy to have them... I'd just like to apply the correct name to them. At the very least, I now know that they are definitely not a Frit. biflora form, which I'm glad to be aware of. Cheers, Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States antennaria@aol.com "New England" USDA Zone 5 ============================================== >> web site under construction - http://www.plantbuzz.com/ << alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, western american alpines, iris, plants of all types!