Hippeastrum Cybister Potting Mix

Kevin D. Preuss hyline@tampabay.rr.com
Sun, 29 May 2005 09:28:13 PDT
To all, sorry I confused the issue, thinking about H. calyptratum instead of 
These seem to be two of more challenging species to grow, let alone flower.
Even some Cybister hybrids come out later and some are not up yet.  The 
species is a gem.
I killed my only cybister seedlings five years ago and have not had either 
plant bloom since...it must've been the move from Gainesville to Tampa that 
triggered it. That moved killed the seedlings as humid salt air did not 
agree with them.

Now I am growing them in coir, crushed/washed lava rock and sand in clay 
containers and they tolerate it.

The clayptratum, for me, is grown on a simalr mix, but more coir and maybe 
even some peat and pine bark.

As for pamianth these mixes and humidity killed mine.

Gee, it sounds like I've killed many a good species. Well, that is how ya 

Kevin Preuss
- hot and dry in Florida!
but Leptochiton quitoensis is blooming! 

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