Hi Leo, We've talked about this issue before. In this post: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbslist/old.php/… I tell about my lack of success with flotation and better results with direct seeding and give a reference to a complete explanation by Lee Poulsen of how he handles the transplanting with flotation. This fall I got Cyrtanthus seed from Rhoda and Cameron. I sowed seed on top of moist mix with sand sprinkled on top with the seed planted sideways and slightly out of the soil. I covered the pot with plastic and left if in our spare bathroom. Cameron wrote that the seed was old, but he thought it would still be viable. He gave me an extra generous amount. Two pots had nice strong green shoots in about 3 weeks, another took about a month, and the fourth pot did not germinate at all. The ones that germinated are all doing just fine. I was able to share the excess seed with another Cyrtanthus enthusiast and started another batch of the species that germinated less well since I wanted more of it and I have a few more seedlings from the second attempt. This time it was only three weeks before I could see little green bulbs had formed. Our house is relatively cool by most standards in winter and the light levels in that room depend on how much sun we have. We have the heater on for two or three hours in the morning and in the evening if it is cool. We turn it off at night. Probably the temperature in that room is about 65 degrees and often into the 50 ties at night. I did not use lights. I hope this helps. Mary Sue