Pacific Bx 90
Thu, 19 May 2005 18:12:41 PDT
Paul and all ~

> I am fairly sure that 'Spoirot' is in fact of Australian breeding, not Dave 
> Karn in the US.  Commercial name of the breeder is Glenbrook I think 
> (Tasmania), but I have forgotten the "person" name of the breeder. 
> <grin>  Might be worthwhile checking this if you want to pass it on.

Indeed, 'Spoirot,' is Australian!  It (and several others) is the work of Rod 
Barwick of Glenbrook Bulb Farm, Claremont, Tasmania.  It's one of a group of 
Division 10 daffodils that I (tongue-in-cheek) christened the Detective Series 
as each is named after one of the fictional detectives that (I assume) are 
favorites of the breeder.  Thus, 'Spoirot' is from HerculeS POIROT; 'Smarple' is 
from MisS MARPLE, 'Orclus' is from InspectOR CLUSeau, and 'Kholmes' stems 
from SherlocK HOLMES.  This individual is noted for his singular breeding success 
with the N. bulbocodium and N. catabricus group of species.  Much of this 
effort has resulted in the recent creation of an RHS Division (#10) to contain 
this ever expanding group of hybrids.

'Falconet' is one of a series of Division 8 (Tazetta) hybrids bred by the 
famous Oregon hybridizer, Grant Mitsch.  They resulted from a cross between 
'Matador' x N. jonquilla.  One of their features is that they combine the wonderful 
fragrance of tazettas with that of jonquil.  Too much of this delightful 
perfume from a bouquet of these flowers could (almost) never be enough!  These 
hybrids have since their introduction been picked up by the Dutch growers and 
have been multiplied in substantial quantity such that they are now widely 
available each Autumn.

I think the confusion arose with Dell's comment since I was the original 
source of the bulbs being donated to the BX by Cathy Craig and not the originator. 
 While I am hardly a noted "miniature hybridizer," I've been known to dabble 
a bit, from time to time . . . 

All best,
Dave Karnstedt
Cascade Daffodils
Silverton, ORegon, USA
Cool and wet in Winter -- hot and dry in Summer; USDA Zone 7-8 (great climate 
for almost any geophyte willing to stand up to Jack Frost once in a while!)

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