Dear All, Summarizing from past discussions of some of the South American Irids some of the genera that people confuse are Phalocallis, Cypella, Hesperoxiphion, Herbertia, and Alophia. For most of us the differences are not very clear, but that is probably because there are only a few species commonly grown by most of us and very little information about them in generalist books we might possess. Therefore I am sharing some information I received in the past from another bulb forum from Eric Walton and Alberto Castillo. According to Eric Walton from New Zealand many years ago the difference between Cypella and Phalocallis was some detail in anther morphology. Phalocallis was merged into Cypella by someone although you still see it used at times. There is apparently a difference in anther morphology between Cypella and Hesperoxiphion, but there are species that are the same thing that some people think of as Cypellas and some as Hesperoxiphion. According to the Innes book on Iridaceae that Alberto doesn't like but which is the only book I have that addresses this, species have been moved back and forth between these two genera. He describes Hesperoxiphion as having a several flowered spathe. Blades of the inner segments are hirsute or pubescent. Hesperoxiphion herrerae is described as flowering between December to April at Cuzco at altitudes 3000-3600 m with violet, blue and yellow flowers. Outer segments are violet or deep blue, inner segments paler blue, and the blade has yellow bearded markings. Perhaps Alberto can explain the difference between all these genera. For Jim McKenney I found this from Eric: "In case you are interested Cypella is from the ?Greek for cup and Hesperoxiphion is from 'Hespero' evening or western and 'xiphioides' sword-like, but 'xiphium' is the greek name for Gladiolus. I think the first species described was H. peruvianum, since the flower does not open in the evening, I would suggest that it means something like 'western gladiolus'." Now for Herbertia versus Alophia. Eric said that Herbertia species were all winter growers, except H. tigridiodes. Alophias were summer growers. The inner tepals of Herbertia were small whereas Alophia's tepals were quite large. Now here is something I saved from years ago from Alberto that he provided me for a topic of the week on Alophia and Herbertia when I was doing the topic of the week for the IBS bulbs forum. "Alophia/Trifurcia/ Herbertia The confusion between Alophia and Herbertia comes from decades ago when the name Alophia was used for South American species. Dr. Goldblatt published articles describing both genera. Currently the genus name Herbertia comprises exclusively South American spp. occurring in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and S. Brazil. Basically, they have blue or violet flowers with three large outer tepals and three comparatively much smaller inner ones. Below are arranged according to their cultivation requirements those species botanically described along with others that we have discovered in our trips with Dr. O'Farrell and others. After Alophia the name Trifurcia was used and now Herbertia Dry winter dormant, full sun, alkaline well drained soil, dry regions. NW Argentina H. tigridioides Dry summer dormant, full sun, neutral to alkaline well drained soils, dryish regions. C. Chile H. lahue Summer dormant with year round rains, alkaline clayey soils, full sun. E. Argentina and Uruguay H. lahue ssp. amoena Dry winter dormant often under quite cold conditions, alkaline soils, full sun. Gulf States H. lahue ssp. caerulea Summer dormant with year round rains, full sun, acid clayey soils, practically frost free to subtropical regions. E. Argentina, Uruguay, S. Brazil H. quareimana (previously known as H. amatorum) H. pulchella H. sp. Entre Rios Prov., Argentina, undescribed H. sp. W. Uruguay, undescribed H. sp. W. Brazil, undescribed H. sp. N. Corrientes Prov., undescribed As with all tigridioids it is very difficult to identify them from a written description. A good picture would be advisable. Best of all would be to keep and send the flowers in 50% water and 50% medicinal alcohol. In this solution such flowers could be kept for decades without changes maintaining in a perfect condition their shape. It is also very important to describe the seed capsules as they vary in shape from species to species. Bulbs of most of the species in this genus would never offset and must be propagated from seed in a well aerated mixture. They must not be overdried while dormant. Bulbs in the wild are found deep, some 15 cm. or more. If grown in containers, do not use small pots. A one gallon container or bigger is advisable to obtain seed. If you send me a picture of your unidentified species I will be pleased to help. Alophia as described now is a small genus of the N. American subcontinent. Their flowers have a broad central cup and narrow outer tepals. In all, are very different to Herbertias. As for cultivation, they are dry winter dormant and best grown under warm conditions. Species are five and occur in Mexico and the Gulf States. Mostly found in alkaline soils in meadows in full sun." We actually have some good pictures on the wiki of some of the species in these four genera so those people who are curious could give them a look. I hope this helps clarify things and will allow Dave to rename his mystery bulb pictures and move them to the Hesperoxiphion wiki page (syn. Cypella herrerae Diels). Mary Sue