New member. Bulb biotechnologist.

Leo A. Martin
Sun, 08 May 2005 14:25:29 PDT
Hello Darren,

 > I recently moved to La Paz, BCS, Mexico and will set up a tissue
 > culture unit and exotic plant nursery here.
 > I want to include bulbs in my work.
 > Here are the climatic figures for the region:
 > What bulbs do you think will do well here.  I see lilies growing in a
 > neighbours garden and naturalised Hippeastrum.

I haven't lived there but I did visit. I live in the same desert, 
though, the Sonoran desert, just a few hundred miles north in Phoenix, 
Arizona, USA.

Some issues you will face are:

High to very high summer temperatures day and night;

Relatively high winter temperatures day and night;

Minimal to no winter chilling;

Intense sun all year;

Very irregular rain: any time of year, sometimes months of drought, with 
potential for torrential storms including hurricanes;

Unpredictable electricity - have power backup for computer, critical 
refrigerators, freezers, lights, and incubators;

Mexican legal issues related to export of native plants and succulents. 
Be sure you understand these before attempting to export.

Winter-growers might be problematic. I get much cooler winters in 
Phoenix than you will in La Paz so winter-growers do very well here.

Anything that needs a definite change of seasons might get confused.

I would expect Hippeastrum hybrids, Agapanthus, Crinum (especially the 
desert species), Zephyranthes/Habranthus, and a host of S American bulbs 
to do well.

Leo A. Martin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Some must watch while some must sleep-so runs the world away.

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