
David Victor
Mon, 16 May 2005 03:06:32 PDT
Hi there Mary Sue,

I saw your note about germinating Tropaeolum.  I grow quite a few and 
generally follow Norm Deno's idea on them.  He says give them four weeks at 
70F, followed by a period at 40F.  They then germinate within a few weeks, 
but need to be kept cool until the stem starts to emerge.  Then they can be 
potted up, but very carefully.  They are threadlike and very brittle at 
that stage.

If I have fresh seed from my own plants, then I would probably ignore the 
above and just plant it in the warm.

I grow a number of species not shown on the WIKI.  Similarly, with 
Bomarea.  Would you like some photos of them?

Best regards,
David Victor  

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