
Nan Sterman via pbs
Wed, 17 Jul 2024 11:36:05 PDT
I find this discussion missing an important component - is it necessary to use insecticide at all?  

Mealy bugs can be controlled by 1) eliminating the ants that often "farm" them in the garden and 2) using a sharp blast of water using a Bug Blast hose end nozzle and blasting plants with water on a regular basis to interrupt the pests' reproductive cycle.

All the insecticides recommended are general insecticides that kill off the beneficials along with the pests.  The goal is to have a balance between predators and prey, but if you eliminate the predators, the prey populations can explode and make your problem worse

With insecticides, less is more.  

Aren't we all past the point of using these kinds of pesticides?   


> On Jul 17, 2024, at 11:30 AM, Tim Eck via pbs <> wrote:
> Thanks for all the helpful responses.  I guess the consensus is
> imidacloprid.  I have some Macho lying around that I have hesitated to use
> because it's a neonic but I guess this is the one safe situation.
> The plants are mostly immature amaryllids.
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 9:42 AM Tim Eck <> wrote:
>> Can anyone suggest a good systemic insecticide for non-flowering
>> ornamentals?
>> Thanks
>> Tim
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