Mass death of Sparaxis bulbs

Michael Mace via pbs
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:40:22 PDT
Richard wrote: This spring my usually dependable sparaxis bulbs fail to come

I'm sorry to hear about your plants, Richard. That must be frustrating.

I agree with Kipp, they might have taken the year off.

They should be totally dormant by now. Have you tried digging up a few of
them to see if the corms are still there? 
--If the corms are still there, the plants are just on holiday. Replant them
and wait.
--If mice or ground squirrels took them the ground will look churned, like
someone ploughed it, because they dig down from above. 
--Voles make surface runways, just under the mulch, and you will also find
churned earth where they dug the corms. 
--Gophers could have taken them from below, but you would see gopher mounds
nearby and when you dig deeper you would find tunnels.
--If they rotted or died of a disease the ground will look undisturbed, but
you might find the old sheaths of the corms, with nothing in the middle
where the corm should be.

Good luck!

San Jose, CA

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