Mass death of spiraxus bulbs

Judy Glattstein via pbs
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 13:10:39 PDT
Happened to me twice. Looked good going into dormancy, then vanished. I 
dug around and there were no rotting remnants. No idea why.

Once with Galanthus nivalis regina-olgae. Just vanished after years of 
reliable bloom and multiplication. Second incident was Sauromatum 
guttatum / venustum, which had been multiplying very nicely then 
vanished never to again appear. Both are ignored by deer, by burrowing 

No idea why.

Judy Glattstein in Alexandria Township New Jersey where Tuesday's 
intense storm dropped trees and wires. Our power came back 3:00 p.m. on 
Wednesday, neighbors further down the road are still out on Thursday. It 
may be Friday before theirs is restored

On 7/18/2024 3:52 PM, Richard Wagner via pbs wrote:
> This spring my usually dependable spiraxus bulbs fail to come up. I had a
> couple dozen sparaxis tricolor in the ground and they have been spreading
> around the yard slowly every year. Different places. Some of them were
> found 100 ft away from the original planting this year. Not a single bulb
> showed none of the ones that have spread out either, so I'm really curious
> what could make the entire genus stop growing? Richard Wagner San Diego
> county.
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