Group Order Status

Nan Sterman via pbs
Mon, 15 Jul 2024 08:40:51 PDT
OMG you have the patience of a saint!  I'm sorry this has been such a challenging effort.  Thank you for all your hard work and perspiration!

Nan Sterman

> On Jul 15, 2024, at 5:57 AM, Robert Lauf via pbs <> wrote:
> All,
> I had been hoping to provide a progress report long before now, but held off until I had some positive news to report
> For background, the carrier (DHL) has screwed this thing up about every way they could.  Because of the size of the order, US and EU both required two boxes.  One US and one EU box left Johannesburg right away and the others inexplicably sat there for a week before they went out.
> After some other delays, both EU boxes have now been delivered to Martin for distribution.
> The US boxes were delayed in Customs in ATL.  The first one sat for so long that DHL sent it back to South Africa, despite telling me everything was in order.  The second one finally cleared and should be delivered to APHIS today.  The first box has now returned from South Africa and is back in the queue to clear Customs.  According to DHL, all is supposedly in order.  If it hasn't cleared by Weds, DHL will contact me for anything more they need.  Naturally I'll be watching from my end and will contact them if I don't hear any updates.
> This has been like three weeks in The Twilight Zone and I have no logical explanation for all the back and forth, other than sheer incompetence on the part of the carrier.  It appears (I'm speculating here) that the DHL agent in SA put all the docs inside the boxes, not realizing that Customs inspectors can't open the box!  Only APHIS can open it, but of course, it has to clear Customs first.
> Once these boxes are free of DHL's clutches, I'll be tracking them as UPS does the ground shipment to Bridget, and will provide further updates later in the week.
> Luckily dormant bulbs are pretty tough.
> Bob
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