Cosmos peucedanifolius

james compton via pbs
Tue, 30 Jul 2024 03:17:04 PDT
Hello David Pilling,


I think we had communicated some time ago on another matter. I have seen your recent request for information on Cosmos peucedanifolius in the PBS chatroom.


I think according to my collection notes: CDPR 3159 (James Compton, John d’Arcy, Nori Pope and Martyn Rix) collected this species on Tuesday 1 February 2000 between Salta and Cachi in north western Argentina at 2440 m on grassy slopes of the eastern Andes.


On arrival in the UK seed germinated immediately and small tubers were given by me to Alan Street of Avon Bulbs in Somerset from where this plant has subsequently been distributed. 


The species was first described by Hugh Weddell in Chloris Andina vol. 1: 70 (1856) from Bolivia prov. Tomina, “in graminosis excelsis montis Curi”. Although borne in Gloucestershire Weddell spent many years in the service of the French in S. America searching for quinine trees (Cinchona officinalis) in order to send seeds back to the Jardin des plantes in Paris. 


All best


Jamie Compton

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