Mass death of spiraxus bulbs

Nan Sterman via pbs
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:32:16 PDT
I had the same thing happen in my San Diego area garden about a decade ago, Richard.  Sparaxis always returned - until they didn't.  There was no evidence of their being eaten and they definitely were not overwatered.  I've never figured it out.  

> On Jul 18, 2024, at 12:52 PM, Richard Wagner via pbs <> wrote:
> This spring my usually dependable spiraxus bulbs fail to come up. I had a
> couple dozen sparaxis tricolor in the ground and they have been spreading
> around the yard slowly every year. Different places. Some of them were
> found 100 ft away from the original planting this year. Not a single bulb
> showed none of the ones that have spread out either, so I'm really curious
> what could make the entire genus stop growing? Richard Wagner San Diego
> county.
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