Mass death of spiraxus bulbs

Mary Gorton via pbs
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:42:47 PDT
 I think that I would make several independent geographically separated plantings of a species on your property perhaps from different sources so that you do not have a monoculture.  Monocultures increase risk of disease outbreaks.  Monoculture - Wikipedia

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Monoculture - Wikipedia

In agriculture, monoculture is the practice of growing one crop species in a field at a time.[1] Monoculture is ...



Mary GortonZone 8Wilmington, Delaware

    On Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 03:52:23 PM EDT, Richard Wagner via pbs <> wrote:   

 This spring my usually dependable spiraxus bulbs fail to come up. I had a
couple dozen sparaxis tricolor in the ground and they have been spreading
around the yard slowly every year. Different places. Some of them were
found 100 ft away from the original planting this year. Not a single bulb
showed none of the ones that have spread out either, so I'm really curious
what could make the entire genus stop growing? Richard Wagner San Diego
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