
Nan Sterman via pbs
Wed, 17 Jul 2024 18:09:33 PDT
Seriously?  That’s a really sad response Tim.  And totally inappropriate 

> On Jul 17, 2024, at 5:24 PM, Tim Harvey via pbs <> wrote:
> Please do not follow this advice if you live within 50 miles of me. Next you will be mixing vinegar, salt and soap and claiming it kills perennial weeds. 
> T
>> Mealy bugs can be controlled by 1) eliminating the ants that often "farm" them in the garden and 2) using a sharp blast of water using a Bug Blast hose end nozzle and blasting plants with water on a regular basis to interrupt the pests' reproductive cycle.
>> All the insecticides recommended are general insecticides that kill off the beneficials along with the pests.  The goal is to have a balance between predators and prey, but if you eliminate the predators, the prey populations can explode and make your problem worse
>> With insecticides, less is more.  
>> Aren't we all past the point of using these kinds of pesticides?   
>> Nan
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