
Erik Van Lennep
Fri, 24 Mar 2017 06:27:16 PDT
Anita, where is your garden?

For the local jacks, I grew them most places I lived over the years in
eastern USA, and I'd say in general soils were on the acid end of the
spectrum. But are talking peat bog conditions, pine forests, or oak
woodlands for instance? I grew A. sikokianum without problems in
pine-derived soil in Massachusetts, all Arisaemas which could handle winter
temperatures in Vermont (also tending towards very acid). A. candidissimum
did very well in both Massachusetts and later in Dublin Ireland, but Dublin
tends more alkaline. Both A. sikokianum and A. candidissimum were late
risers for me.


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On 24 March 2017 at 14:16, Anita Roselle <> wrote:

> I would like some input on a problem that I have with Arisaema sikokianum.
> I can grow it from seed with no problem, then transplant it to small pots
> with Pro Mix potting soil, it grows beautifully. Then when I plant it in my
> garden it shrivels up and dies, even a full grown plant given to me grew
> one season and then died.
> I have had my soil tested and it was extremely acid, would this have caused
> the quick demise of my plants? I have not had this extreme a reaction to my
> soil by other plants but many plants do not do as well as I would like.
> I have applied the right amount of lime but am hesitant to plant again.
> I have about 40 small pots of A. sikokianum that I don't want to kill.
> When lime is applied how often does it have to be done again?
> There are a few native Jack's in the woods but not as many as I would like,
> maybe they are affected by the acid as well. Any suggestions on this
> situation would be very welcome, I am a good grower and this really
> frustrates me. If it is not the acid what could it be, there has never been
> any pollutants on my property, it is a north slope partly wooded hillside
> that has never been anything else.
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