Rhodophiala from Seed

Judy Glattstein jgglatt@gmail.com
Fri, 03 Mar 2017 05:58:28 PST
Anita Roselle asked about growing Rhodophiala from seed. I started with 
bulbs so cannot exactly help with her query. But the flower she 
describes: "looked like a red amaryllis with a white stripe down the 
middle of each petal" sounds more like Hippeastrum johnsonii than 
rhodophiala. If it was about the size of a small amaryllis it was the 
former, if much daintier it would be the latter.

Regardless, I'm surprised either on is thriving outdoors on the border 
between zones 6B and 7A. Here in western New Jersey I only place my 
potted rhodophiala and hippeastrum outdoors in summer.

Judy in New Jersey where this morning's temperatures have reminded me 
that no, Spring is not yet here.

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