prohibited plants

Diane Whitehead
Mon, 20 Mar 2017 12:15:39 PDT

On 2017-03-20, at 11:30 AM, Hansen Nursery wrote:

> Hmm, I've heard Cyclamen coum is a problem on Vancouver Island.....  I do see how C. coum could become a problem in certain climates.
> Good question to ask of everyone - how do you get rid of Cyclamen if they become pests, or any bulb for that matter?

No one here has complained. We enjoy them.  C neapolitanum as well as coum.  They tend to grow along road verges, as ants move the seeds.  One beautiful stretch was dug out and trucked away because the road was being widened.  If I had noticed in time, I'd have rescued the cyclamen.  I wonder where that truckload of soil ended up?  It could have resulted in a nice surprise for someone.

We also have big clumps of Galanthus elwesii along shady roads.  

Diane Whitehead
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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