Big Box Tigridia and Philly Flower Show

Judy Glattstein
Sun, 19 Mar 2017 07:14:19 PDT
Lowes has had their bags of summer bulbs out for a few weeks. How could 
I resist 50 tigridia (25 Aurea and 25 Speciosa red) for $11.99. Nicely 
contained in separate bags well cushioned with wood shavings. They're 
sitting on my desk, adjacent to the computer where I can look at them 
and think "summer" rather than stare out the window at snow.

Back in 2002 when I was in Holland for the International Stauden Union 
meeting there was a *field* of tigridia near our hotel. I got a few 
pictures, meant to take more but the field was harvested first.

Went to the Philadelphia Flower Show on Monday. This year's theme was 
(is, actually, today is the last day) Holland, Coloring the World. As 
you might expect there were lots of tulips and lots of orange. In my 
estimation it was a better show than the previous few that I attended. 
They even had a competitive horticultural class for Amorphophallus 
konjac. If you want to look here's a link to the entry on my website: to Philadelphia Flower 

Judy in New Jersey where early fruit tree flower buds have again 
succumbed to the weather and I expect my Fritillaria thunbergii did 
likewise. Freesia alba in bloom in greenhouse though - thank you, Mary Sue

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