Arisaema disappearing

Johannes Ulrich Urban
Mon, 27 Mar 2017 13:40:38 PDT

> Hello Anita,
> Your difficulty with disappearing Arisaema sikokianum seems quite 
> amazing. Myself I have never managed to grow it beyond seedling stage 
> and have given up on it. The growing conditions you describe sound 
> perfect, I imagine the soil you prepared this way as a deep rich loose 
> and humusy soil. Is there nobody out there who has seen this plant in 
> the wild? Does it not want that kind of soil?
> I looked it up in my Arisaema book by Gusman: They describe it as 
> easily grown but short lived (!) and recommend a raised bed with ample 
> drainage and a soil of sandy peat accompanied by small rhododendrons. 
> Otherwise they state the tubers will rot from winter wet. (I do not 
> know where they garden) That sounds to be the most likely explanation 
> of your problem.
> What also strikes me is the fact that you are very successful with it 
> in pots. So why don't you grow it on in pots to flowering size?
> All of my Arisaemas are potted. A. candidissimum and A. fargesii are 
> also growing in the open garden. But when it comes to pamper small 
> offsets to flowering size pot culture is far better than open garden 
> culture. This experience was confirmed by a friend who runs a small 
> bulb nursery. Both of us cannot explain this.
> There is of course a certain inconvenience in pot culture. But don't 
> we all do a lot for our treasures?
> For substrate in my pots I use my own garden compost from the compost 
> pile with some general fertilizer added. All my pots are attached to 
> an automatic watering system in summer so that they never dry out. 
> Excellent results with A. tortuosum and different forms of A. 
> consanguineum beside the two mentioned above. They are repotted every 
> year into fresh compost. The dormant tubers are stored totally dry in 
> their pots in their compost in my cellar.
> I would not bare root them now because you said they have already 
> broken dormancy, this would cause considerable if not fatal root 
> disturbance.
> Hope that helps
> Uli

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