On 2017-03-23, at 2:38 PM, Johannes Ulrich Urban wrote: > The Topic of Arisaema in a moderate mediterranean climate is interesting to me as I will soon move to Portugal. I wonder how my Arisaemas will do there, they are all in a dormant state right now. > Many Arisaema are native to areas that get summer rain. One such place is Japan, where the grass is green all summer and brown in the winter, just the opposite to my mediterranean conditions. Arisaema have not been an outstanding success for me, but I plant them in a spot close to the door where I can pour the rinse water from washing dishes on them (we have watering restrictions), and get some bloom, some years. I have found the corms long-lasting, even when no plants appear above ground. I had a backhoe in to remove a lot of running bamboo. The next year an A. jacquemontii bloomed. I checked my garden maps, and saw that it had been invaded by the bamboo and cowering underground for twelve years. Diane Whitehead Victoria, British Columbia, Canada