Updates from the Scottish Rock Garden Club

youngs youngs.aberdeen@btinternet.com
Wed, 08 Mar 2017 10:13:44 PST
Hi Robin,

  There is no formal order form - To order Janis ' book you need to 
email to him to get cost, including postage - janis.bulb@hawk.lv 

  Sorry if I  have not made that clear.

  There are no plans to print Ian's Erythronium "book" - anyone may 
download it and get it printed out if they wish - some have already done 
so! To make it a reasonable size for  downloading the photos  are not 
all in highest resolution- but I hope to see a copy of it printed 
myself  very soon - I'm told it  has turned out rather well 
nonetheless.  Ian's wish is for it to be available to the largest number 
of people for free.

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