Fwd: Arisaema sikokianum

Anita Roselle anitaroselle@gmail.com
Fri, 24 Mar 2017 08:34:38 PDT
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anita Roselle <anitaroselle@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 11:21 AM
Subject: Arisaema sikokianum
To: pbs@listz.ibiblio.org

Dr. Waddick and Erik

I am located in the mountains, Brevard, Transylvania County, North
Carolina, Zone 6a - 7b. I am on a wooded north slope hillside, now only
partly wooded. When tested it was 4.6 to 5.8 in various beds. Only one
place was it 6.6
The woods were logged many years ago but not since, they are tulip popular,
beech, dogwood, maples, some young oak's coming in, a few hemlock and white

I have a planting bed that I developed at the top of a bank down to a
stream. I incorporated a lot of wood chips and some manure there about 7-8
years ago, and have added wood chips every couple of years since. I have
been planting  plants there ever since both native and non-native. The
native azaleas, camellia, ferns, hostas, magnolia, daylillies, trillium,
astilbe, aquelliga, phlox divericata, holly ect. have been doing all right,
some better than others.

I also planted some jack's farther down along the stream under the over
hang of a native azalea where the soil has not been amended, they died
there as well.

The Trillium cuneatum and T. luteum, are both in that area and doing very
well. The deer did eat my T. vaseyi, it did come back, now has a wire cage
around it. T. grandflorum is fine and T. catesbaei [ from a plant rescue ]
is also doing fine.

They were only in pots for a year from germination. The ones I still have,
have been in pots since, this will be their 3rd or 4th year.
There has been no change in the bed, the light/shade, mulch, water or
fertilizer  that I am aware of.

There are not a whole lot of Jack's in the woods, but I have thought that
the deer eat them off, they do eat the young shoots of Christmas fern and
Trillium  I know that they did not eat my japanese arisaem's their foliage
just did not grow, not cut off by a bite.

I got your recent message, maybe it was the potting soil drying, I'll try
that. I plant most other things with potting soil and have not had a
problem as far as I know.
Should I wait until they are fully up or bareroot  them now and plant them.
They are up about 1 - 1 1/2 inches right now but in a cold frame. Perhaps I
should bareroot them, plant them and protect them from frost if we get it.
That seems like the better approach.

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