My rhodophiala bifida (from Lauw deJaeger) tolerated 2.5 weeks of perma-frost with several nights at -14°C under 5cm snow cover this January, foliage looks unharmed, so they seem to be able to take a lot. As for Rhodophiala seedlings: I've got montana, splendens and andicola, and none of them stopped growth in summer as long as they got enough water -I've read somewhere (on the list?) that they are quite opportunistic in their growth pattern, and that seems quite true to me - but don't ask me about cold tolerance on those three species, i kept them (barely) frost free as a precaution. Martin Am 05.03.2017 um 20:16 schrieb Cynthia Mueller: > The parent plants of seeds I sent to the Seed list this year were several varieties of R. bifida. They did not lose their leaves during our first freeze of 24f for one night. Then, about three weeks later Central Texas had a cold sweep with about three nights and three days of cold between 22 and 24f. This killed many succulents, hippeastrum in pots above ground, agaves, ornamental cactus and opuntias. The difference was, I believe, that the cold lasted for a longer time. The Rhodophiala are still up, as though nothing had happened. Of course, every freeze event is different. -Cynthia Mueller > > Cynthia W Mueller > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > > -- Martin ---------------------------------------------- Southern Germany Likely zone 7a