I do not have a lot of experience with A sikokianum, which is regarded as a tricky species to grow outside in most of the UK. The reasons for this are a combination of cold, and winter rain. Zones 6a to 7b sound cold for this species, if growing in the ground.... Wood chips also take some time to decay, and until they do, are detrimental to the soil for many plants. Peter UK On 24 March 2017 at 15:34, Anita Roselle <anitaroselle@gmail.com> wrote: > > Subject: Arisaema sikokianum > > I am located in the mountains, Brevard, Transylvania County, North > Carolina, Zone 6a - 7b. I am on a wooded north slope hillside, now only > partly wooded. When tested it was 4.6 to 5.8 in various beds. Only one > place was it 6.6 > The woods were logged many years ago but not since, they are tulip popular, > beech, dogwood, maples, some young oak's coming in, a few hemlock and white > pines. > > >