On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 11:21 AM, Anita Roselle <anitaroselle@gmail.com> wrote: > Dr. Waddick and Erik > > > I am located in the mountains, Brevard, Transylvania County, North > Carolina, Zone 6a - 7b. I am on a wooded north slope hillside, now only > partly wooded. When tested it was 4.6 to 5.8 in various beds. Only one > place was it 6.6 > The woods were logged many years ago but not since, they are tulip > popular, beech, dogwood, maples, some young oak's coming in, a few hemlock > and white pines. > > I have a planting bed that I developed at the top of a bank down to a > stream. I incorporated a lot of wood chips and some manure there about 7-8 > years ago, and have added wood chips every couple of years since. I have > been planting plants there ever since both native and non-native. The > native azaleas, camellia, ferns, hostas, magnolia, daylillies, trillium, > astilbe, aquelliga, phlox divericata, holly ect. have been doing all right, > some better than others. > > I also planted some jack's farther down along the stream under the over > hang of a native azalea where the soil has not been amended, they died > there as well. > > The Trillium cuneatum and T. luteum, are both in that area and doing very > well. The deer did eat my T. vaseyi, it did come back, now has a wire cage > around it. T. grandflorum is fine and T. catesbaei [ from a plant rescue ] > is also doing fine. > > They were only in pots for a year from germination. The ones I still have, > have been in pots since, this will be their 3rd or 4th year. > There has been no change in the bed, the light/shade, mulch, water or > fertilizer that I am aware of. > > There are not a whole lot of Jack's in the woods, but I have thought that > the deer eat them off, they do eat the young shoots of Christmas fern and > Trillium I know that they did not eat my japanese arisaem's their foliage > just did not grow, not cut off by a bite. > > >