Dear PBS ers, This has been a wet spring and we are catching up from drought, but now 'in between' bulb events. The first Lily opened - a hybrid without much distinction, but a signal for the Lily season to come. Crinum bulbispermum always the first Crinum to bloom in the ground is open in a number of spots and always welcome. I just don't know why this is not seen in more Kansas City Gardens. It has everything - hardy, beautiful, colorful flowers, very dramatic and a real show stopper. It may be too big for city gardens, but it is a wow plant. Most are red to pink striped, but a few paler and a few darker. It too is the first in a series of hardy Crinum to make a show in coming weeks. The only oddity is the relatively common, but not very often seen Ixiolirion tataricum. This blue beauty blooms in an out of the way spot where I have to search for it. The clump has been there a decade and has dozen of flowers, but thrives on neglect. A couple of years ago I planted a Helicodiceros nearby and that draws me to check on seed development so I happened across the blooms. Finally the last of the Dracunculus vulgaris has finished with an enormous and stinky bloom almost 4 ft tall. Gloriously obnoxious. It took a while to establish this in the garden, but now 5 clumps put on a show and smell that bounces across the acre of garden. But speaking of 2 Aroids, less spectacular and to some a horrible pest, we have dozens of Pinellia pedatisecta in quiet bloom. The green spathes pop up above the segmented foliage and are very pleasant and extremely care free. I know it can be an aggressive weed in some climates and gardens, but here it is a welcome addition. We are anticipating Crocosmia season with the addition last year and this of a number of new named cvs. Even at a slow season there's always some bulbous beauty to enjoy. Best Jim W.