Hello everybody O. Lithopsoides Was described by Ernst Van Jaarsvels from " hills east of Oudtshoorn" on dry stony south façing slopes of conglomerate hills. Two populations are currently known. Réf: V.Jaarsv, E.J 2009 A new succulent Ornithogalum species ( Hyacinthaceae) from semi arid regions in the southern western Cape. In Aloe 46 (1) : 20-21 I grow this rather easy bulb since few years in my unheated greenhouse. It is a winter grower in South western France where i live, but the major developpment occur at early spring. At this time i give more water and some fertilizer. The substrate is use is 100% mineral , PH slightly acidic, but not so fast draining. ( Zéolithe basis and coarse granitic sand ) . In such conditions the leaves reach 30 mm maximum and the blooming period occur during mai , and lasts 3 weeks. A nice little bulb, that multiplicate easily , but need a lot of light. If i found the way to PBS i could post some pics; but anyone can look at Flick and search my Galery http://flickr.com/photos/jeffs-bulbesetpots/… Jeff South Western France