Hi Nick, Welcome to the group. We look forward to your participation. > I'm hesitant to order seed from South Africa, > because of the difficulty of storing amaryllid > seed until the appropriate growing season in > the northern hemisphere. Order at will! It's not hard at all. Two solutions: 1 Just put it in the crisper drawer of your refigerator. Leave it in the packet and in the box. Don't forget about it. Even tiny fleshy things meant to sprout immediately, like Gethyllis, will last 4-5 months easily. Flat black seeds like Cyrtanthus will last even longer. Look at the seed of immediately-sprouting fleshy-seeded amaryllids on arrival and every month or so. If it starts looking a little tired, soak in water overnight, let dry, and put back in the packet in the box in the crisper drawer. If you get worried about how it looks, plant it right away and keep as cool and bright as possible. Flat black seeds like Cyrtanthus should last a year or more in the refrigerator. 2 If you really like your indoors air-conditioned, sprout the stuff indoors under fluorescent lights, or in bright diffused light near a window, when you get it, even if it's off-season. Most seedling amaryllids in captivity do best if you can keep them in constant growth for the first 1-2 years before allowing dormancy. Many amaryllids, especially cool growers, seem to me somewhat opportunistic. We had a relatively cool spring here in Phoenix, Arizona and most of my Boophone seedlings remained in active growth long after the irids and hyacinthids had gone to sleep. Daytime temperatures were well into the 90s F / 35C but nights still cooled down. The past week night temperatures have crept up and the Boophone have gone dormant. 108 F / 43C predicted Sunday! Yay! I should be out in the garden right now rather than posting. Finally, during the winter there are probably colder spots in your greenhouse, like near the glass. Put the winter-growers near the glass during the winter for slightly colder nights. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA