chen-yi nursery

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:37:48 PDT
I'm not sure how to supply a link to the archive, but I posted this last
month. I think it bears on the current discussion:

"Virtually all the plants we grow have entered cultivation from the wild at
some point. Somehow I don't think the Chinese would smile upon their
botanical heritage being exported without state regulation, regardless of
whether it was directly wild collected or propagated first.

I share a similar concern to Jane's about the resale of directly wild
collected plants but laws and treaties mostly do not distinguish nursery
propagated plants or seeds from those that are of direct wild origin. CITES
is a prime example of this bureaucratic failure.

*Country of origin nurseries should be supported and prodded to improve
quality and availability by doing more propagation. A lack of horticultural
acumen in such countries is what keeps wild pillaging going.* A flood of
knowledge and outreach helps to raise all boats, as they say."

(emphasis mine).

This notion supports both selfish anthropocentric (ex situ) conservation
and "altruistic" biological (in situ) conservation.



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