Hello: Does anyone know the latest and more detail regulations about the artificially propagated plants of CITES II? "http://cites.org/eng/resources/… Countries and territories that use phytosanitary certificates as certificates of artificial propagation In accordance with Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP15), section VII, the Parties and territories listed below have informed the Secretariat that they use phytosanitary certificates as certificates to authorize the export of artificially propagated specimens of Appendix-II plant species. Samples of certificates that have been provided to the Secretariat can be viewed by CITES Management Authorities and Enforcement Authorities in the Forum section of this website. Belgium Canada Denmark Germany Hong Kong SAR (China) Italy Netherlands Republic of Korea Singapore Sweden" Because I found that the list of Nethelands have not include some species yet.(Such as Galanthus spp., Sternbergia spp., and Hedychium philippinense in CITES II) http://vwa.nl/onderwerpen/… CITES - instructiebeschrijving fytosanitaire certificaten (files name) http://www.vwa.nl/txmpub/files/?p_file_id=2000966 (file link) Su-Hong-Ciao Taiwan