Aril Society Plant Sale

Dennis Kramb
Fri, 14 Jun 2013 08:19:03 PDT
The 2013 ASI Plant Sale is now underway.  And for the first time ever, you
can browse the catalog and order online.

If you are not familiar with them, arils are a branch of the Iris family.
They are bearded irises from arid regions of Asia (mostly SW Asia through
Central Asia).  Arils hybridize readily with European bearded irises,
resulting in arilbreds.  Arilbreds have the exotic beauty of aril irises in
an easier to grow plant.

In this year's plant sale there are a wide variety of arilbreds
available... as well as onco hybrids & regelia hybrids.... and even pure
aril species.  Have a quick flick through the thumbnails & I bet something
will catch your eye.

If you are intimidated by growing pure arils then try arilbreds.  Some of
them, like 'Tekoah' or 'Sand Dancer' are verrrrry exotic looking, yet easy
to grow.  In general the quarterbreds (RB-, OGB-, OB-) are easiest to
grow.  Halfbreds (RB, OGB, OB) are also easy.  And then three-quarterbreds
(RB+, OGB+, OB+) might need some special culture, as do the pure arils if
you're living in a not-so-arid climate.

Contact me off-list if you have any questions.  We'd love to have some new
members!  I used to grow regelia species in my garden in Ohio, and at
present we have members in Michigan and Kansas growing oncocyclus species
in their gardens (outdoors, year round!).  And then there's John Lonsdale
in Pennsylvania who can grow just about everything.  :-)

Dennis in Cincinnati

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