A little over 2 years ago, I moved to Cary North Carolina and found this plant growing in my back yard, probably planted by the original owner. There were no flowers at the time, but I was pretty sure it was an Amaryllis or something closely related. I was getting landscaping done near the plant and I decided to dig it up and move it to a better location. It ended up being a massive clump of large bulbs which took three people to move. The year after I re-planted it, it flowered at least once that I recall, and it flowered for the first time this year yesterday (June 27). The flower stalk is about 30 inches high, and the leaves are probably just as long, if not longer (very floppy). There is only one flower stalk so far, I think there may have been more last year. After doing some research, I now think it's a Crinum hybrid of some kind, but I am unable to identify it exactly. Links to pictures are below. If you need more pictures, or measurements, let me know. http://imageshack.us/a/img191/263/shb7.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img822/2667/dpd1.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img543/2708/4txn.jpg Thanks for your time. William Krick Cary, North Carolina Growing Zone 7