Unusual Hybrid Sparaxis

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:33:50 PDT
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org> wrote:
I sent those in for testing I sent in something that looked
> suspicious to me and it was fine. It left me feeling that it may be
> challenging to tell by looking what is virused.

I suspect that the lab only looked at the type of virus (if the tests
are available) but they didn't look at the amount of viruses. The
concentration (titer) of viruses in an infected tissue probably
determines the prevalence of mosaic. Some plants can keep that titer
down but others cannot. Unfortunately, virus research in bulbs is few
and far in between and we still don't know much about them in
non-commercial bulbs.

Since we cannot be sure which ones are virused and which ones are not,
I suggest that growing your own plants from seeds is the best way to
go. Getting bulbs from a reliable grower/friend is also another good
way to go about it.


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