Lilies have started blooming here in Cincinnati too. Irises are finally petering out.... I still have some Iris brevicaulis, and xversata in bloom. Iris tridentata is sending up lots of buds. The only other rhizomatous plant I can think of that's blooming is the Nymphaea in my pond. (Astonishingly the Nelumbo lutea seems to have perished in last year's drought.) Lilium superbum might bloom for the first time this year (fingers crossed). Dennis in Cincinnati On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 10:41 AM, James Waddick <> wrote: > Dear PBS ers, > > This has been a wet spring and we are catching up from drought, > but now 'in between' bulb events. > > The first Lily opened - a hybrid without much distinction, but a > signal for the Lily season to come. > > Crinum bulbispermum always the first Crinum to bloom in the ground > is open in a number of spots and always welcome. I just don't know why this > is not seen in more Kansas City Gardens. It has everything - hardy, > beautiful, colorful flowers, very dramatic and a real show stopper. It may > be too big for city gardens, but it is a wow plant. Most are red to pink > striped, but a few paler and a few darker. It too is the first in a series > of hardy Crinum to make a show in coming weeks. > > The only oddity is the relatively common, but not very often seen > Ixiolirion tataricum. This blue beauty blooms in an out of the way spot > where I have to search for it. The clump has been there a decade and has > dozen of flowers, but thrives on neglect. A couple of years ago I planted a > Helicodiceros nearby and that draws me to check on seed development so I > happened across the blooms. > > Finally the last of the Dracunculus vulgaris has finished with an > enormous and stinky bloom almost 4 ft tall. Gloriously obnoxious. It took a > while to establish this in the garden, but now 5 clumps put on a show and > smell that bounces across the acre of garden. > > But speaking of 2 Aroids, less spectacular and to some a horrible > pest, we have dozens of Pinellia pedatisecta in quiet bloom. The green > spathes pop up above the segmented foliage and are very pleasant and > extremely care free. I know it can be an aggressive weed in some climates > and gardens, but here it is a welcome addition. > > We are anticipating Crocosmia season with the addition last year > and this of a number of new named cvs. > > Even at a slow season there's always some bulbous beauty to enjoy. > Best Jim W. > > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > > >