Greetings, I looked over the stats and wondered if the section titles "LastDay" is showing hits by hour. The spikes at 11pm/midnight and the spike at noon makes me think a significant part of the measured traffic may be automated web crawling software. The operating system and referrer stats also show big numbers for "unknown." That makes me think somewhere between 1/2 and 1/3 of the hits measured are not people but software. 20K hits a week is still significant - but it does look like alot of the "pure" hits are non-human (which is pretty standard for websites generally). -|<ipp > Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 08:29:35 -0800 > To: > From: > Subject: [pbs] PBS Wiki Statistics > > Hi, > > PmWiki which is the wiki software we are currently using has many > recipes you can add to create new features. We have tried to keep our > wiki simple so haven't added a lot of them although from time to time > David Pilling has found ones that we think are useful and installed > them. A little more than a week ago he added a recipe that allows us > to look at how many times each page is accessed. In a little over a > week there have been 42,664 page views at my last look. I believe > this justifies all of the time that has been put into creating the pbs wiki. > > Our previous wiki kept track of how many hits each page got and we > had a Most Popular page so you could see which pages were viewed the > most often. Although this might seem to be a way of determining which > bulb was most popular, since a lot of the people who viewed the wiki > are referred by a Google search engine, the more unusual bulbs would > have less competition for pages to find information so could get more > hits. In addition we have split up a lot of the pages that we have a > lot of pictures of so each page won't take so long to load and > sometimes adding a hybrid page to distinguish from the species page, > so have multiple pages for : > Albuca, Allium, Alstroemeria, Amaryllis, Arisaema, Babiana, Brodiaea, > Calochortus, Colchicum, Crinum, Crocus, Cyclamen, Cyrtanthus, > Delphinium, Drimia, Erythronium, Favorite Blue Bulbs, Favorite > Orange Bulbs, Favorite Pink Bulbs, Favorite White Bulbs, Favorite > Yellow Bulbs, Fritillaria, Geissorhiza, Gladiolus, Haemanthus, > Hesperantha, Hippeastrum, Homeria, Hymenocallis, Iris, Ismene, Ixia, > Lachenalia, Legacy Bulbs, Lilium, Mendocino Sonoma Coast, Moraea, > Narcissus, Namaqualand, Nerine, Ornithogalum, Oxalis, Pelargonium, > Roggeveld, Romulea, Sparaxis, Tigridia, TOW (Topic of the Week), > Trillium, Triteleia, Tritonia, Tulipa, Watsonia, Zephyranthes > > For some of these we may have just one or two extra pages and for > others we have a lot of pages. Allium, Arisaema, Calochortus, Crinum, > Crocus, Fritillaria, Gladiolus, Iris, Lilium, Narcissus are a few of > the ones with many pages. So to measure their popularity you'd have > to add up all the hits for all the pages. > > When we changed to the new wiki I saved the most popular page from > the old wiki. The thirty pages with the most hits in the old wiki in > order were: > HomePage > MostPopular > PhotographsAndInformation > Iris > Nothoscordum > Lilium > TitleSearch > RecentChanges > Hippeastrum > HardinessZoneMaps > Alstroemeria > Crocus > Zephyranthes > BeardlessIrises > Curcuma > Tigridia > Freesia > Amaryllis > MendocinoCoastBotanicalGardens > Oxalis > UploadFile > Nerine > NarcissusHybrids > Hymenocallis > Ornithogalum > Scilla > Crinum > Tulipa > SouthAfricanOxalis > Begonia > Alocasia > > If you are interested in seeing the 30 pages that were viewed the > most in the past week you can add to any wiki page: > ?action=totalcounter > It will also tell you the pages viewed that day and the referral > sources and a number of other things. You can expand beyond 30 by > adding the number you want to see to this &TotalCounterMaxItems= > For example: > <…> > will allow you to see a count for the hits for 500 wiki pages (if > that many have had hits) since David added the counter. You can see > if the same things are still the most popular (and many of them are). > > This recipe seems to self destruct over time so we don't know how > long it will last, but in the meantime I am finding it very > interesting. We hope it will encourage some of you who are just > adding photos to your own websites to learn how to use the wiki and > help us fill in our missing gaps and make this an even better resource. > > Mary Sue > > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > >