Hello Andrew, I very much second your plea for the Oxalis genus. There are many well behaved and decorative species to be recommended. Only a few spoil the image of the genus. Of course everbody knows and fears O. pes caprae (the 'plena' form is not at all invasive). I would like to add a warning the O. caprina is an dangerous and invasive species (small pale bleu flowers in autumn). I have to spend a lot of time getting it ouof the nursery. The O obtusa forms are lightly invasive, but controllable. I recommend this species to be grown in pots only. For our Oxalis species see http://www.bulbargence.com/m_catalogue/index.php Greeetings from the south of France. Laauw de Jager Bulb'Argence -----Original Message----- I'd like the input so that proper guidance is included in the wiki about those we should avoid and in which areas we should avoid them. Thanks