Doryanthes is in Doryanthaceae Only one genus. Arnold Nov 16, 2010 12:12:26 AM, wrote: Jim's answer has me wondering - what is the best test for the occurence of apomixy? I frequently see many presumed instances of self-pollination, but never any proof, or even consideration of potential apomixy. This is a general botanical question, not limited to geophytes. I'm not sure Doryanthes are in the Agavaceae either. T > capsules producing one or two seeds > were produced by Apomixis, I tested this out in a subsequent year by using > the pollen of a real outlier Doryanthes exsela a massive Agavaceae from > Australia known as the Gymea lily. I managed to get one to two seeds from > each Brunsvigia flower polinated by Doryanthes - but the seeds were all > Brunsvigia josephinea.