Here some things to know from Chronopost , USPS and others If you send a parcel and you pay an amount of money the correct phytosanitaire papers are on the parcel you think the parcel arrives save WRONG see email aan mij details 9 nov. (4 dagen geleden) Hello, As I was telling you by phone, Chronopost won't be allowed to clear your item because this kind of goods requires a phytosanitary control. You can call the broker Italfreight to the 01 74 25 24 87 that is allowed to clear plants and flower bulbs. Best Regards. Myriam. Myriam LE FLOCH ( it took 2 times over 30 minutes with beautiful music to receive this email Roland -- R de Boer La Maugardiere 1 F 27260 EPAIGNES FRANCE Tel./Fax 0033-232-576-204 Email: