I suppose these are horribly off-topic, being epiphytes? But, during my trip to Los Angeles I visited Rainforest Flora and left with an armload of new Tillandsias to add to my collection. I had 5 Tillandsias already, back home... and now I have another 15. And some of them are huge! What really got me excited were the "bulbous" species that I had never encountered before. They look like they're from another planet. http://facebook.com/photo.php/… They're wanna-be geophytes, I guess. :-) I just love them! I learned a lot during that visit. I never realized the genus was so diverse... with species that grow in deserts, and others that grow in shady rain forests. Some are tiny, and others have inflorescences several feet tall and wide. And some are heavenly fragrant! (I bought a lot of those.) So... just to recap... this year's new obsessions were: carnivorous plants, gesneriads, orchids, and now tillandsias. LOL. But my old die-hard passions are still there... irises, native wildflowers, and of course geophytes!!! (Actually, there are several geophytes amongst the carnivorous plants, gesneriads, orchids, irises, and native wildflowers... but not Tillandsias.) Dennis in Cincinnati