Jim: My stock does not appear to be any different in size than usual. L. squamigera are in full bloom here. L. sanguinea gave me several more stalks all of a sudden, not quite open yet. L. longituba gave another bigger batch of stalks about to bloom. L. sprengeri is just getting going, as well as L. xhaywardii, L. xhaywardii x L. longituba (or the other way around, never can remember unless I'm looking right at the marker :( ), L. radiata var. pumila x L. xrosea (or the other way around... again), and what I hope to be true L. incarnata. I have one lone stalk of L. chinensis, so I'm expecting them any day now. Of the spring foliage Lycoris, I'm now still really only waiting on L. chinensis and L. xcaldwellii. I have a number of fall foliage Lycoris I'm still waiting on and can't wait to see. I really prefer the spider lily forms to the trumpet forms. What I don't get is the timing this year. All of it appears to be at least two weeks late compared to normal. I'll have to take a stab at one or both of a cool and wet spring and early summer being the cause of the delay. Mr. Kelly M. Irvin 10850 Hodge Ln Gravette, AR 72736 USA 479-787-9958 USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b http://www.irvincentral.com/ James Waddick wrote: > Anyone else seeing this happen? Kelly? > >