Jim: Things are a little different for me here. Lycoris squamigera, (L. Xhaywardii x L. longituba), and (L. radiata var. pumila x L. Xrosea), and L. sanguinea are completely done. I have a few blooms still holding on L. longituba and L. Xhaywardii, and my L. incarnata are past full bloom. L. sprengeri is almost done with some stalks still about to bloom and L. chinensis is almost to full bloom. L. Xhoudyshelii has just started and so has L. 'Flaming Dragon', which I believe to be a L. Xjacksoniana selection, much darker than L. Xhaywardii and obviously later, but similar in other ways. I have a lost label Lycoris that comes up at the same time as L. straminea and is very similar, but with more red stripe expression in the tepals with a more deep red colored stalk. This one divides more readily than L. straminea and the leaf is not the same. I'm pretty sure I got it from you, Jim W., but I can't figure out what it is. These are in full bloom. L. caldwellii is just about to bloom and a hybrid, L. 'Blushing Lady' and 'Cherry Blossom Pink' are just starting to come up. L. radiata var. pumila is in full bloom as well. Obviously, I have yet to see, if any, L. Xalbiflora, L. radiata var. radiata, L. aurea var. aurea, and L. aurea var. surgens in the ground (The L. aurea are winter protected). I have various other small quantities of fall foliage Lycoris in pots, with the L. shaanxiensis from Chen Yi coming up first as usual. It's spider lily bloom is the whitest bloom I've seen so far on Lycoris, and, no, I don't think it is really L. shaanxiensis, as it does not match the scientific descriptions. Nor does it appear it will bloom for me this year. I'm under the impression, at least, that this species should send up foliage in the spring if it were properly identified. It appears very tender. Everything here is in full sunshine (except potted Lycoris), although a number of my fall foliage Lycoris will likely be receiving less light from this winter forward, because the greenhouse (winter house) might FINALLY be completely up. Mr. Kelly M. Irvin 10850 Hodge Ln Gravette, AR 72736 USA 479-787-9958 USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b http://www.irvincentral.com/ James Waddick wrote: > Dear Friends, > The first wave is about over- this includes Ls. squamigera, > chinensis and longituba mainly. > These are all winding down as stems are appearing > (coincidentally a few days after a 2 inch rain fall) on L. > caldwellii, incarnata and an array of hybrids. > L. sprengeri overlaps both groups with stalks just coming up > in some areas, but done in others. Don't know why but all the bulbs > in one area come up at the same time, even though they are all out of > synch with bulbs in another area. >