Bulbs and corms as food source...

Lee Poulsen wpoulsen@pacbell.net
Thu, 21 Aug 2008 17:51:33 PDT
So should we now use their acronym 'USO' instead of 'geophyte'? [USO = 
Underground Storage Organs]

BTW, I found a link to the article at 
<http://springerlink.com/content/288g93472x2000k2/…>. It 
gave a table of all the geophyte species they tested. I've appended the 
table below, in case you can't access the link, as tab-delimited text 
for those who want to see it. (And you can cut and paste it into a 
separate file and open it with Excel to re-produce it in table form if 
you want.)

P. C. Andrews wrote:
> Mostly for amusement, but I am hoping the manuscript provides a list of the 100 or so edible species they surveyed.
> Manuscript cited is not yet in print....

"USO form, genus, and species"    Family    Collection locality    
Fracture toughness (J m_2)    Young’s modulus (MPa)
    Albuca canadensis    Hyacinthaceae    WF    184    3.3
    Albuca cooperi    Hyacinthaceae    WF    329    0.8
    Albuca juncifolia    Hyacinthaceae    WF    350    5
    Albuca maxima    Hyacinthaceae    K    40    1.4
    Albuca setosa    Hyacinthaceae    WF    219    3.1
    Albuca spiralis    Hyacinthaceae    K    87    1.7
    Amaryllis belladonna    Amaryllidaceae    WF    600    0.3
    Boophane disticha    Amaryllidaceae    Maun    161    3.2
    Brunsvigia orientalis    Amaryllidaceae    WF    2293    2.9
    Brunsvigia sp.    Amaryllidaceae    K    260    1
    Crinum foetidum    Amaryllidaceae    Maun    126    1.1
    Crinum sp.    Amaryllidaceae    HOORC    101    2.8
    Dipcadi crispum    Hyacinthaceae    WF    451    0.8
    Gethyllis affra    Amaryllidaceae    WF    313    2.4
    Haemanthus coccineus    Amaryllidaceae    WF    560    4.7
    Haemanthus crispus    Amaryllidaceae    K    247    2.1
    Hessea chaplinii    Amaryllidaceae    WF    77    0.3
    Lachenalia carnosa    Hyacinthaceae    K    150    2.7
    Lachenalia mutabilis    Hyacinthaceae    WF    126    3.1
    Lachenalia unifolia    Hyacinthaceae    WF    100    1.2
    Ledebouria cooperi    Hyacinthaceae    D    120    3.2
    Ornithogalum thyrsoides    Hyacinthaceae    WF    202    1.9
    Oxalis hirta var. tenuicaulis    Oxalidaceae    WF    324    1.5
    Oxalis obliquifolia    Oxalidaceae    D    183    –
    Oxalis purpurea    Oxalidaceae    WF    437    1.3
    Oxalis pusilla    Oxalidaceae    WF    683    1.7
    Oxalis versicolor    Oxalidaceae    WF    606    2.1
    Oxalis sp. A    Oxalidaceae    K    135    1.8
    Oxalis sp. B    Oxalidaceae    K    221    3.6
    Scilla dracomontana    Hyacinthaceae    D    336    3.9
    Tulbaghia capensis    Alliaceae    WF    519    8
    Veltheimia glauca    Hyacinthaceae    WF    420    4.1
    Babiana ambigua    Iridaceae    WF    194    7.2
    Babiana scariosa    Iridaceae    K    362    7.1
    Chlorophytum triflorum    Anthericaceae    WF    180    3.1
    Cyperus alatus    Cyperaceae    MRC    288    8.8
    Cyperus cristatus    Cyperaceae    MRC    117    4.7
    Empodium veratrifolium    Hypoxidaceae    WF    234    2.3
    Ferraria uncinata    Iridaceae    K    325    8.8
    Gladiolus carinatus    Iridaceae    WF    100    6.2
    Gladiolus gracilis    Iridaceae    WF    220    2.4
    Hesperantha falcata    Iridaceae    WF    634    4.6
    Ixia maculata    Iridaceae    WF    291    5.8
    Ixia monodelphia    Iridaceae    WF    426    4.4
    Lapeirousia jacquinii    Iridaceae    WF    86    3.8
    Lapeirousia silenoides    Iridaceae    K    487    5.7
    Melasphaerula ramosa    Iridaceae    WF    261    3.1
    Moraea fugax    Iridaceae    WF    158    1.8
    Moraea miniata    Iridaceae    K    241    3.6
    Moraea tricolor    Iridaceae    WF    299    3.5
    Romulea flava    Iridaceae    WF    232    3.4
    Romulea cf. tabularis    Iridaceae    WF    292    5.7
    Sparaxis bulbifera    Iridaceae    WF    269    12
    Spiloxene ovata    Hypoxidaceae    WF    245    3.9
    Wachendorffia paniculata    Haemodoraceae    WF    100    3.5
    Watsonia coccinea    Iridaceae    WF    328    2.3
    Bulbinella triquetra    Asphodelaceae    WF    3645    2.5
    Cynodon dactylon    Poaceae    MRC    3770    14
    Cyperus dives    Cyperaceae    HOORC    2379    13.7
    Ficinia lateralis    Cyperaceae    WF    7967    13.6
    Nymphea lotus    Nymphaeaceae    HOORC    414    –
    Phragmites australis    Poaceae    HOORC    451    6.2
    Schoenoplectus corymbosus    Cyperaceae    HOORC    4743    13.9
    Willdenowia incurvata    Restionaceae    WF    25468    18.7
    Zantedeschia aethiopica    Araceae    WF    193    5.5
Root tubers               
    Acanthosicyos naudinianus    Cucurbitaceae    H    979    8
    Arctopus echinatus    Apiaceae    WF    2758    2.7
    Asparagus asparagoides    Liliaceae    WF    114    2.8
    Asparagus exuvialis    Liliaceae    Maun    143    2.2
    Asparagus rubicundus    Liliaceae    WF    296    1.5
    Cissampelos capensis    Menispermaceae    WF    3484    9.2
    Coccinea aurantiaca    Cucurbitaceae    Mangola    399    3.5
    Conicosia elongata    Aizoaceae    K    874    4.8
    Cucumis africanus    Cucurbitaceae    H    1397    8.3
    Dioscorea sp.    Dioscoreaceae    Korup    5955    5.3
    Eriospermum capense    Rusaceae    WF    466    5.4
    Eriospermum nanum    Rusaceae    WF    1089    3.8
    Eriospermum sp.    Rusaceae    K    205    2.6
    Euphorbia tuberosa    Euphorbiaceae    WF    2080    3.2
    Helichrysum cf. cochleariforme    Asteraceae    WF    916    2.9
    Hypoxis argenta    Hypoxidaceae    D    825    0.8
    Hypoxis hemerocallidea    Hypoxidaceae    Pretoria    1290    7.8
    Monsonia longipes    Geroniaceae    MRC    1243    5.6
    Nymphea lotus    Nymphaeaceae    HOORC    1139    5.5
    Nymphea nouchali    Nymphaeaceae    HOORC    1064    9.4
    Pelargonium seneciodes    Geraniaceae    WF    902    8.2
    Pelargonium triste    Geraniaceae    WF    742    4.6
    Pergularia daemia    Asclepiadaceae    Maun    2303    5.1
    Pteronia divaricata    Asteraceae    WF    754    7.6
    Rumex lativalvis    Polygalaceae    WF    735    5.9
    Vatovaea pseudolablab    Fabaceae    Mangola    448    –
    Vigna frutescens    Fabaceae    Mangola    4859    –
    Vigna macrorhyncha    Fabaceae    Mangola    543    4.2
    Vigna sp. A    Fabaceae    Mangola    848    –
    Unidentified no 1    Apiaceae    MRC    1081    5.5
    Unidentified no 2    Apiaceae    MRC    679    4.2
    Unidentified legume no 1    Leguminosae    WF    2114    7
    Unidentified legume no 2    Leguminosae    WF    318    1.4
"Collection locality key: D Drakensberg Mountains, HOORC Henry 
Oppenheimer Okavango Research Center, H Hotazel, K Kamieskroon 
(Namaqualand), MRC Mpala Research Centre, WF Wayland’s Farm"               

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