Scilla peruviana

David Ehrlich
Fri, 08 Aug 2008 10:35:28 PDT
My Scilla peruviana has been thriving for years here in the Bay Area.  It’s due to plain dumb luck.  It was many years ago – I saw some sad looking, already sprouting, unwanted bulbs at OSH.  Feeling sorry for them, I took them home and potted them up.  I knew nothing about how to grow them.  They flowered late February, and I kept watering them until the leaves yellowed in June.  Next October green sprouts appeared, so I started watering again.  They have flowered every year since.  The regimen is simple: while green, they get watered; otherwise not.  I water them with a weak solution of fertilizer and micro nutrients.  I do keep them in a mostly sunny spot.  This spring they had a poor flowering and did not produce seed, but that may be because I was away and unable to care for them.
David Ehrlich

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