Fritillaria imperialis grows well on a partially shaded clay / subsoil slope here in New Jersey near the Delaware Rive. Never disturbed after planting 10 or 12 years ago. Increasing by offsets. There are 5 groups, started with 3 or 5 bulbs per each. Not all bulbs in a clump flower, but some flower every spring. Fritillaria meleagris grows quite well along the edge of woodland, and I believe it too is increasing. My triage is as follows: little ones get planted before larger ones. Naked / no tunic get priority of those with tunic. Any that are known to root early - and I'd certainly include Fritillaria imperialis in this group - also receive earlier rather than later planting. Anyone who is late summer / autumn flowering, such as colchicum also receive priority. Who waits? Tulips especially. Muscari 'Christmas Pearl' is already sending up foliage, silly things. Judy in crispy New Jersey where the last rain was August 15. It's been sunny, cool, and crisp. Even weeds and trees are showing signs of stress, not to mention the water carrier.