Although I share Jim Waddick’s enthusiasm for Lilium formosanum, I would have presented some of that information a bit differently. First of all, Lilium formosanum is hardly anything new. It’s been widely grown and appreciated since the late nineteenth century, when it made the rounds as Lilium philippense formosanum. Never trust seeds offered as L. philippinense if you want the true L. philippinense – there’s a good chance you’ll get L. formosanum. Lilium formosanum has been in cultivation so long that it is widely naturalized in some places far from its original home – such as southern Africa and Australia. As Jim says, it’s a very beautiful lily and, in some respects, very easily grown. With all that going for it, why isn’t it in every garden? This lily has one significant defect: it’s very virus prone. The best plantings are almost always in gardens where there are no other lilies which might serve as a source of virus infection. Another anomaly: although as Jim mentions it’s easy and quick from seed (and yes, as he says, late winter sown seed will sometimes bloom the fall of the same year), bulbs in commerce are hardly cheap as lilies go. And like other lilies quick and easy from seed, individual plants often prove to be short lived. Something else to be aware of: several horticultural strains have been available over the years. These seem to vary in time of bloom (always erratic in this species until –or if – it settles down for you) and height. There is a name, var. pricei, which should yield plants which stay low (under two feet). Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone 7 My Virtual Maryland Garden BLOG! Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin Webmaster Potomac Lily Society