Hi Chad. Found this while i was Looking up Oxalis Rubra, seems that there was a white form in New Zealand i . Might just have to do plant hunting. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1868-1961 Oxalis rubra A. St. Hil. First recorded by Allan (1940, p. 285), but the distribution is not given. Has been found as an established garden escape; Tauranga, M. Hodgkins! Onehunga, H. Carse! Feilding; Palmerston North, V. D. Zotov! Paekakariki, V. D. Zotov! Wellington City and suburbs, H. H. Allan! Riwaka; Nelson; Christchurch. A white-flowered form has been collected at Wellington, R. Mason! This appears to be that cited as establishing in California (Rose, in Leaflets of Western Botany, vol. i, no. 6, 1933, p. 51), but Knuth (1930, p. 203) makes no mention of such white-flowered forms. Kyle. In New Zealand