Manfreda virginica

Mark McDonough
Fri, 08 Aug 2008 13:02:38 PDT
Hello PBS people,

I haven't been very active on this group... it seems that I have to wait until my annual August vacation (all of August, 4-weeks, yippee!) before I have time to do extracurricular activities.

I just updated the PBS wiki page with images of Manfreda virginica in flower.  Along the upper reaches of a 6' stalk are interesting rather than beautiful flowers, but they are not without their own charm.  A surprising aspect is that the tiny whitish three-lobed tube at the center of each stamen-esque floral construction are rather fragrant.  The brownish shading to yellowish-green oversized stamens and anthers are interesting upon close viewing.

I have added 4 images, taken between thunderstorms and downpours which seem to occur multiple times daily this summer.…

I grow this plant on a raised enbankment that is rather dry, getting afternoon sun.  Thanks Aaron!

Mark McDonough
Massachusetts, near the New Hampshire border, USDA Zone 5

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